Dragon Pen

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About Kaleido Terra Crafts

Kaleido Terra Crafts was founded in 2020 by Michael "Shep" Walker. Pinecones, scrap wood, and automotive paint chips aren’t typical raw materials for art. But in Shep's hands, they become things of beauty. A Navy veteran and longtime Edmond resident, Shep creates ballpoint and fountain pens in a variety of styles, each one unique.

At Kaleido Terra Crafts, we enjoy creating custom pens, wine bottle stoppers, and more, to meet your needs. Many customers bring us pieces of wood or a branch that they've collected from their childhood home, their parent's or grandparent's yard, etc. that they would like something memorable made as a reminder of the past. Great care is is taken to provide a gift that will be used and loved for generations to come.

Browse Our Custom-made Products

Custom Made Pens - circuit board


Custom designed Fountain Pens

Fountain Pens

Kitchen Utensils custom made: ice cream scoops

Kitchen Utensils

custom designed and made Cool stuff

Other Cool Stuff